A few years back, during a Sunday morning service, several of us were convicted of praying for the local secular high school. Three of us received the same vision: the school from above, with people walking around it and praying. After a discussion with the lead pastor, continued prayer, and waiting on the Lord, the plan was implemented.

I spoke with a Christian teacher in the school about what we believed the Lord was asking us to do, and he secured a meeting with the Principal. We prayed and asked for favor, a door to be opened, that God’s will would be done. In the meeting, we talked about praying for the students, the past hurts from many losses due to suicide and accidental deaths, hope for the future, and relationships to be built between teachers and students. Permission was granted, but it needed to happen on a weekend when the school was closed. With humble hearts, we accepted this offer. We knew that we were to walk around the school seven times, and each time around, we were to pray for specific things. Invites were sent out over text, social media, and email. An article was also put in the local paper inviting those who may want to join in. While waiting for that Saturday to arrive, we continued to pray. We prayed for the students, teachers, families, and the day of prayer to come. On that Saturday, as people arrived, we were in awe of what God was doing. Hundreds of people gathered to pray for the students. Instructions were given, and prayer cards were handed out on what to pray for each time around. We started with prayer as a larger group, and then the prayer walk around the school began. We prayed over every door and window. We prayed over the parking lot, smoking area, areas where students gathered, the flag pole and the sidewalks, and the outside track and field area. We prayed for health, safety, wisdom, protection, self-esteem, courage, strength, unity and a feeling of being included. We prayed against temptations, drugs, alcohol, and peer pressures and that they would find their hope in Jesus and their identity in him. As you can only imagine, many more prayers were lifted for other issues as well. As our time together praying and walking ended, we asked people to continue praying for open doors. Within weeks, we received an invitation from the school principal to pray before classes. We prayed in the hallways, over classrooms and in each locker. About a year later, plastic easter eggs were given out by students to other students with scripture in them. A prayer room was established. A Christmas tree was put in the lobby where you could write the name of the person you were praying for on an ornament. Student-led ministries, under the guidance of a Christian teacher/mentor, started sharing the knowledge of who Jesus is, and Bibles were distributed. Today, students who believe, have faith in Christ, and have the courage and boldness to share are still running these programs and sharing the good news! Though there are still challenges, we are seeing the outcome and answer to prayer. Students coming to Christ, attending local churches, being baptized and desiring to be transformed. We praise God for the vision he gave, the strength, tenacity and open doors for us to be a small part of his greater plan. As his children, we are called to pray, wait on him, listen and act. Be encouraged, knowing that our gracious and loving God hears every prayer. Don’t give up! See where Jesus is working and stirring hearts, and join him.  Never stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Kathy McIntosh National Prayer Coordinator Alpha Canada