Date and Time (March 28 – 29 , 2025)
The Eastern Canadian District of The Alliance Canada, in partnership with Arabic Outreach Ministries, MissionGTA and Ignite Prayer Canada, will be hosting a prayer conference at Rexdale Alliance Church on March 28-29, 2025. There will be one session each night from 7:00-9:30pm. A children’s conference will be held at the same time because we are passionate about seeing our kids develop into fully devoted followers of Jesus as well!
Our heart is to unite together across multiple ministries and ethnic groups as one body to stand in the gap and intercede for Canada. We are feeling an urgent call to pray for God’s kingdom to come and for His will to be done in our nation as it is in heaven. We sense the call to pray for a shift in the spiritual atmosphere over our nation, and for the Church to rise up as the radiant bride of Christ, in true righteousness and holiness, awakened to the Father’s love and our identity in Christ. We long for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in all of our lives to empower us for faith-filled prayer, evangelism and disciple-making.
Please join us in crying out to God for revival in the Church and a spiritual awakening in Canada. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few … let us trust the Lord of the Harvest to send us and many more into his harvest field!